Модуль:External data
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на 25 января 2025 ([ источник])
{{#invoke:External data|full_url|url=/index.php?do=authors&author=637|base=https://www.apn.ru/index.php}}
даст https://www.apn.ru/index.php?do=authors&author=637
Обёртки над функциями расширения External Data
-- Dependencies:
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage ()
local find, split, gsub, trim
= mw.ustring.find or string.find, mw.text.split or string.split, mw.ustring.gsub or string.gsub, mw.text.trim
local clone = mw.clone
local new_url, validate = mw.uri.new, mw.uri.validate
local dump, concat = mw.dumpObject, table.concat
-- Функции расширения ExternalData:
local fetch_pf, show_pf, loop_pf = '#get_web_data', '#external_value', '#display_external_table'
-- Слуюебные функции:
local function full_url_lua (url, base)
local parsed_url = new_url (url)
local parsed_base = new_url (base)
parsed_url.protocol = parsed_url.protocol or parsed_base.protocol or 'https'
parsed_url.authority = parsed_url.authority or parsed_base.authority or '??'
return tostring (parsed_url)
end -- local function full_url_lua (url, base)
-- Подключение к источнику данных:
local function connect (frame, query, format, mappings, cache, stale, encoding)
local mappings_lines = {}
for to, from in pairs (mappings) do
if to and from then
mappings_lines [#mappings_lines + 1] = to .. '=' .. from
local params = {
format = format
, url = query .. '\n'
, encoding = encoding
, data = concat (mappings_lines, ',')
, ['cache seconds'] = cache and tostring (cache)
if format == 'XML' or format == 'HTML with XPath' then
params [#params + 1] = 'use xpath'
if stale then
params [#params + 1] = 'use stale cache'
-- Required by call_parser_function:
if #params == 0 then
params [1] = ''
local connect = frame:callParserFunction (fetch_pf, params)
if connect and connect ~= '' then
-- this is an error:
return false, connect
-- successful connection:
return query
end -- local function connect (frame, query, format, mappings, cache, stale, encoding)
local error_token = '^<span class="error">'
-- Однократое извлечение данных успешного подключения:
local function fetch (frame, query, format, mappings, cache, stale, encoding)
local real_path, error = connect (frame, query, format, mappings, cache, stale, encoding)
if real_path then
local data = {}
for key, _ in pairs (mappings) do
local value = frame:callParserFunction (show_pf, key)
if value and value ~= '' and not find (value, error_token) then
data [key] = tonumber (value) or value
end -- for key, _ in pairs (mappings)
return data, real_path, lang:formatDate ('d xg Y', nil, true)
return nil, nil, lang:formatDate ('d xg Y', nil, true)
, error
end -- if real_path
end -- local function fetch (frame, query, format, mappings, cache, stale, encoding)
local function valid_url (url)
local valid, parsed = pcall (new_url, url)
return valid and type (parsed) == 'table' and validate (parsed) and (parsed.host or parsed.path or parsed.query)
-- Множественное извлечение данных успешного подключения:
local function fetch_all (frame, query, format, mappings, cache, stale, template, next, encoding)
if next and trim (next) ~= '' then
mappings.next = next
local real_path, error = connect (frame, query, format, mappings, cache, stale, encoding)
if real_path then
local params = {}
for key, _ in pairs (mappings) do
params [#params + 1] = key .. '=' .. key
local separator = '(-*-)'
local pf_params = {''
, template = template
, data = concat (params, ',')
, delimiter = separator
local glued = frame:callParserFunction (loop_pf, pf_params)
if glued and glued ~= '' and not find (glued, error_token) then
local next_url = nil
if next and trim (next) ~= '' then
next_url = frame:callParserFunction (show_pf, 'next')
if not valid_url (next_url) or find (next_url, error_token) then
next_url = nil
-- Normal return:
return split (glued, separator, true), real_path, lang:formatDate ('d xg Y', nil, true), nil, next_url
error = (error or '')
end -- if real_path
return nil, nil, lang:formatDate ('d xg Y', nil, true), error -- failed.
end -- local function fetch_all (frame, query, format, mappings, cache, stale, template, next, encoding)
local function scrape_links (frame)
local args = clone (frame.args)
local mappings = {}
for key, val in pairs (args) do
if not (key == 'url' or key == 'next' or key == 'format' or key == 'cache'
or key == 'stale' or key == 'template' or key == 'encoding')
and val and trim (val) ~= '' then
mappings [key] = val
local next, visited, lines = args.url, {}, {}
local first, time
local pages, limit = 0, 50
while next and not visited [next] and pages <= limit do
local current, path, new_lines, error = next
new_lines, path, time, error, next = fetch_all (
, full_url_lua (next, args.url)
, args.format
, mappings
, args.cache
, args.stale
, args.template
, args.next
, args.encoding
first = path or first
if not error then
pages = pages + 1
for _, line in ipairs (new_lines) do
lines [#lines + 1] = line
lines [#lines + 1] = error
visited [current] = true
end -- while next and not visited [next] and pages <= limit
return frame:preprocess (
concat (lines)
.. '\n{{!}}}\n'
.. '<div align="right">на ' .. time
.. " ''([" .. gsub ((first or ''), '|' , '{{!}}') .. " источник])''</div>\n"
end -- local function scrape_links (frame)
local function full_url (frame)
return full_url_lua (frame.args.url, frame.args.base)
local function trim (frame)
return tostring (frame.args.str)
return {
fetch = fetch
, fetch_all = fetch_all
, scrape_links = scrape_links
, full_url = full_url
, trim = trim