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Description | Value | Parsed |
Number | ||
param <- {| mode1 / mode2 / tail |} !. close <- "]]" class <- { %d^3 } tag1 <- {`[[ wikilink ]]`} suffix2 <- {:suffix: ( !value2 !separator irrelevant )+ :} dot <- "." mode2 <- item2 ( separator? item2 )* tail? {:mode: tag2 :} int_dot <- {:classes: {| senior ( {:class_sep: %s+ / dot / "" :} class )* |} :} screened <- "[[" %s* ":" ( !"]]" . )+ "]]" float_comma <- int_dot ( {:decimal: comma :} frac )? !( dot %d ) irrelevant <- ( screened / . ) float_dot <- int_comma ({:decimal: dot :} frac)? item2 <- {| prefix2? value2 suffix2? |} pipe <- "|" exp_10caron <- multiply %s* "10" %s* "^" %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} separator <- {:separator: ( ( "<br" ( %s* "/" )? ">" ) / [,;%nl] %s* ) :} exp_e <- [eE] %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} mode1 <- item1 ( separator? item1 )* tail? {:mode: tag1 :} prefix1 <- {:prefix: ( !value1 irrelevant )+ :} exp <- exp_e / exp_10caron / exp_10sup prefix2 <- {:prefix: ( !value2 irrelevant )+ :} screen <- ":" alias <- {:alias: ( !close . )+ :} value1 <- open !screen %s* value_quoted ( %s* pipe %s* alias )? %s* close tail <- {:tail: .+ :} frac <- {:frac: %d+ :} exp_10sup <- multiply %s* "10" %s* "<sup>" %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} %s* "</sup>" value_quoted <- quantity int_comma <- {:classes: {| senior ( {:class_sep: %s+ / comma / "" :} class )* |} :} senior <- { %d+ } open <- "[[" sign <- [+-]? tag2 <- {`plain`} quantity <- {:sign: sign :} %s* ( float_comma / float_dot ) %s* exp? comma <- "," multiply <- [*•⋅] value_plain <- quantity value2 <- value_plain suffix1 <- {:suffix: ( !value1 !separator irrelevant )+ :} item1 <- {| prefix1? value1 suffix1? |} | ||
Quoted and irrelevant | [[42]] (in [[Russia]]) |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "42", }, ["sign"] = "", ["suffix"] = " (in [[Russia]])", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Plain dot-separated float with spaces | 1 004.5 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "1", "004", ["class_sep"] = " ", }, ["decimal"] = ".", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Comma-sep. two plain dot-sep. floats | 4.5, 6.7 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "4", }, ["decimal"] = ".", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, table#4 { ["classes"] = table#5 { "6", }, ["decimal"] = ".", ["frac"] = "7", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Plain comma-separated float | 4,5 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "4", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Quoted integer and screened | [[45]] (in [[:1945]]) |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "45", }, ["sign"] = "", ["suffix"] = " (in [[:1945]])", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Plain two-digits integer | 45 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "45", }, ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Plain dot-separated float | 4.5 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "4", }, ["decimal"] = ".", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Quoted comma-separated float with exp. e | [[1,5e2]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "1", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["exp"] = "2", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Quoted dot-separated float with commas | [[1,004.5]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "1", "004", ["class_sep"] = ",", }, ["decimal"] = ".", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Quoted dot-separated float | [[4.5]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "4", }, ["decimal"] = ".", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Quoted one-digit integer | [[5]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "5", }, ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Plain comma-separated float with dots | 1.004,5 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "1", "004", ["class_sep"] = ".", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Comma-sep. two plain comma-sep. floats | 4,5, 6,7 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "4", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, table#4 { ["classes"] = table#5 { "6", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "7", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Plain one-digit integer | 5 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "5", }, ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Plain dot-separated float with commas | 1,004.5 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "1", "004", ["class_sep"] = ",", }, ["decimal"] = ".", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Quoted comma-separated float | [[4,5]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "4", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Two quoted two-digits integer | [[45]] and [[67]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "45", }, ["sign"] = "", ["suffix"] = " and ", }, table#4 { ["classes"] = table#5 { "67", }, ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Quoted comma-separated float with dots | [[1.004,5]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "1", "004", ["class_sep"] = ".", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Quoted comma-separated float with spaces | [[1 004,5]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "1", "004", ["class_sep"] = " ", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Quoted dot-separated float with spaces | [[1 004.5]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "1", "004", ["class_sep"] = " ", }, ["decimal"] = ".", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Plain comma-separated float with spaces | 1 004,5 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "1", "004", ["class_sep"] = " ", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Quoted two-digits integer | [[45]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "45", }, ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Plain comma-separated float with exponent e | 1,5e2 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "1", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["exp"] = "2", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
S.-comma-sep. two plain comma-sep. floats | 4,5; 6,7 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "4", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", }, table#4 { ["classes"] = table#5 { "6", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "7", ["sign"] = "", }, ["mode"] = "plain", ["separator"] = "; ", } |
Free string | ||
param <- {| mode1 / mode2 / tail |} !. mode1 <- item1 ( separator? item1 )* tail? {:mode: tag1 :} prefix1 <- {:prefix: ( !value1 irrelevant )+ :} close <- "]]" prefix2 <- {:prefix: ( !value2 irrelevant )+ :} tail <- {:tail: .+ :} screen <- ":" tag1 <- {`[[ wikilink ]]`} suffix2 <- {:suffix: ( !value2 !separator irrelevant )+ :} mode2 <- item2 ( separator? item2 )* tail? {:mode: tag2 :} value_quoted <- {:value: ( !pipe !close . )+ :} value1 <- open !screen %s* value_quoted ( %s* pipe %s* alias )? %s* close irrelevant <- ( screened / . ) screened <- "[[" %s* ":" ( !"]]" . )+ "]]" open <- "[[" tag2 <- {`plain`} item2 <- {| prefix2? value2 suffix2? |} pipe <- "|" alias <- {:alias: ( !close . )+ :} separator <- {:separator: ( ( "<br" ( %s* "/" )? ">" ) / [,;%nl] %s* ) :} value_plain <- {:value: ( !separator !screened . )+ :} value2 <- value_plain suffix1 <- {:suffix: ( !value1 !separator irrelevant )+ :} item1 <- {| prefix1? value1 suffix1? |} | ||
Single plain with suffix | 01.234.567 or something |
table#1 { table#2 { ["value"] = "01.234.567 or something", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Several quoted | [[01.234.567]] [[89.012.345]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["suffix"] = " ", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, table#3 { ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Single quoted | [[01.234.567]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Separated plain | 01.234.567, 89.012.345 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, table#3 { ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "plain", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Quoted but screened | [[:01.234.567]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[:01.234.567]]", } |
Screened and not | [[:01.234.567]] [[89.012.345]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["prefix"] = "[[:01.234.567]] ", ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Screened and plain | [[:01.234.567]] 89.012.345 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["prefix"] = "[[:01.234.567]]", ["value"] = " 89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Separated quoted | [[01.234.567]], [[89.012.345]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, table#3 { ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Several quoted, prefixed | [[01.234.567]] and [[89.012.345]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["suffix"] = " and ", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, table#3 { ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Single plain | 01.234.567 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Quoted with alias | [[01.234.567|you know]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["alias"] = "you know", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Single quoted with prefix | About [[01.234.567]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["prefix"] = "About ", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Single quoted with suffix | [[01.234.567]] or something |
table#1 { table#2 { ["suffix"] = " or something", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Single plain with prefix | About 01.234.567 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["value"] = "About 01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Quantity | ||
param <- {| mode1 / mode2 / tail |} !. close <- "]]" class <- { %d^3 } tag1 <- {`[[ wikilink ]]`} suffix2 <- {:suffix: ( !value2 !separator irrelevant )+ :} dot <- "." mode2 <- item2 ( separator? item2 )* tail? {:mode: tag2 :} int_dot <- {:classes: {| senior ( {:class_sep: %s+ / dot / "" :} class )* |} :} screened <- "[[" %s* ":" ( !"]]" . )+ "]]" float_comma <- int_dot ( {:decimal: comma :} frac )? !( dot %d ) irrelevant <- ( screened / . ) float_dot <- int_comma ({:decimal: dot :} frac)? item2 <- {| prefix2? value2 suffix2? |} pipe <- "|" exp_10caron <- multiply %s* "10" %s* "^" %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} separator <- {:separator: ( ( "<br" ( %s* "/" )? ">" ) / [,;%nl] %s* ) :} exp_e <- [eE] %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} mode1 <- item1 ( separator? item1 )* tail? {:mode: tag1 :} prefix1 <- {:prefix: ( !value1 irrelevant )+ :} exp <- exp_e / exp_10caron / exp_10sup prefix2 <- {:prefix: ( !value2 irrelevant )+ :} screen <- ":" alias <- {:alias: ( !close . )+ :} value1 <- open !screen %s* value_quoted ( %s* pipe %s* alias )? %s* close tail <- {:tail: .+ :} frac <- {:frac: %d+ :} exp_10sup <- multiply %s* "10" %s* "<sup>" %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} %s* "</sup>" value_quoted <- quantity int_comma <- {:classes: {| senior ( {:class_sep: %s+ / comma / "" :} class )* |} :} senior <- { %d+ } open <- "[[" sign <- [+-]? tag2 <- {`plain`} quantity <- {:sign: sign :} %s* ( float_comma / float_dot ) %s* exp? %s* {:unit: "мкм" / "мм" / "см" / "м" / "км" :} comma <- "," multiply <- [*•⋅] value_plain <- quantity value2 <- value_plain suffix1 <- {:suffix: ( !value1 !separator irrelevant )+ :} item1 <- {| prefix1? value1 suffix1? |} | ||
Quoted and irrelevant | [[42]] (in [[Russia]]) |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[42]] (in [[Russia]])", } |
Plain dot-separated float with spaces | 1 004.5 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "1 004.5", } |
Comma-sep. two plain dot-sep. floats | 4.5, 6.7 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "4.5, 6.7", } |
Plain comma-separated float | 4,5 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "4,5", } |
Quoted integer and screened | [[45]] (in [[:1945]]) |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[45]] (in [[:1945]])", } |
Plain two-digits integer; unit | 45 м |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "45", }, ["sign"] = "", ["unit"] = "м", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Quoted comma-separated float with exp. e | [[1,5e2]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[1,5e2]]", } |
Quoted dot-separated float with commas | [[1,004.5]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[1,004.5]]", } |
Plain two-digits integer | 45 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "45", } |
Plain comma-separated float; unit | 4,5 м |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "4", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", ["unit"] = "м", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Plain comma-separated float with exponent e | 1,5e2 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "1,5e2", } |
Quoted comma-separated float with dots | [[1.004,5]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[1.004,5]]", } |
Quoted comma-separated float with spaces | [[1 004,5]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[1 004,5]]", } |
Quoted dot-separated float | [[4.5]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[4.5]]", } |
Quoted one-digit integer | [[5]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[5]]", } |
Plain comma-separated float with dots | 1.004,5 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "1.004,5", } |
Comma-sep. two plain comma-sep. floats | 4,5, 6,7 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "4,5, 6,7", } |
Plain one-digit integer | 5 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "5", } |
Plain dot-separated float with commas | 1,004.5 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "1,004.5", } |
Quoted comma-separated float | [[4,5]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[4,5]]", } |
Two quoted two-digits integer | [[45]] and [[67]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[45]] and [[67]]", } |
Comma-sep. two plain comma-sep. floats; u. | 4,5 м, 6,7 м |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "4", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "5", ["sign"] = "", ["unit"] = "м", }, table#4 { ["classes"] = table#5 { "6", }, ["decimal"] = ",", ["frac"] = "7", ["sign"] = "", ["unit"] = "м", }, ["mode"] = "plain", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Quoted two-digits integer | [[45]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[45]]", } |
Quoted dot-separated float with spaces | [[1 004.5]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[1 004.5]]", } |
Plain comma-separated float with spaces | 1 004,5 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "1 004,5", } |
Plain dot-separated float | 4.5 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "4.5", } |
Two quoted two-digits integer, unit | [[45 м]] and [[67м]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["classes"] = table#3 { "45", }, ["sign"] = "", ["suffix"] = " and ", ["unit"] = "м", }, table#4 { ["classes"] = table#5 { "67", }, ["sign"] = "", ["unit"] = "м", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
S.-comma-sep. two plain comma-sep. floats | 4,5; 6,7 |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "4,5; 6,7", } |
Page | ||
param <- {| mode1 / mode2 / tail |} !. mode1 <- item1 ( separator? item1 )* tail? {:mode: tag1 :} prefix1 <- {:prefix: ( !value1 irrelevant )+ :} close <- "]]" prefix2 <- {:prefix: ( !value2 irrelevant )+ :} tail <- {:tail: .+ :} screen <- ":" tag1 <- {`[[ wikilink ]]`} suffix2 <- {:suffix: ( !value2 !separator irrelevant )+ :} ns <- "Обсуждение" / "Talk" / "Участник" / "User" / "Участница" / "Обсуждение участника" / "User talk" / "Обсуждение участницы" / "Традиция" / "Project" / "Т" / "Traditio" / "Обсуждение Традиции" / "Project talk" / "Обсуждение Traditio" / "Файл" / "File" / "Изображение" / "Image" / "Обсуждение файла" / "File talk" / "Обсуждение изображения" / "Image talk" / "MediaWiki" / "MediaWiki" / "Обсуждение MediaWiki" / "MediaWiki talk" / "Шаблон" / "Template" / "Обсуждение шаблона" / "Template talk" / "Справка" / "Help" / "Обсуждение справки" / "Help talk" / "Категория" / "Category" / "Обсуждение категории" / "Category talk" / "Rule" / "Rule" / "Обсуждение текста" / "Обсуждение текста" / "Text talk" / "Служебная" / "Special" / "Медиа" / "Media" / "TimedText talk" / "TimedText talk" / "GeoJson" / "GeoJson" / "Обсуждение определения гаджета" / "Gadget definition talk" / "Обсуждение портала" / "Обсуждение портала" / "Черновик" / "Черновик" / "Draft" / "Обсуждение свойства" / "Обсуждение свойства" / "Property talk" / "" / "" / "(Основное)" / "Обсуждение формы" / "Form talk" / "Обсуждение концепции" / "Обсуждение концепции" / "Concept talk" / "Определение гаджета" / "Gadget definition" / "smw/schema talk" / "smw/schema talk" / "Rule talk" / "Rule talk" / "Обсуждение черновика" / "Обсуждение черновика" / "Draft talk" / "Campaign" / "Campaign" / "TimedText" / "TimedText" / "Свойство" / "Свойство" / "Property" / "Модуль" / "Module" / "Campaign talk" / "Campaign talk" / "Обсуждение модуля" / "Module talk" / "Текст" / "Текст" / "Text" / "Портал" / "Портал" / "GeoJson talk" / "GeoJson talk" / "Форма" / "Form" / "Концепция" / "Концепция" / "Concept" / "Обсуждение гаджета" / "Gadget talk" / "smw/schema" / "smw/schema" / "Гаджет" / "Gadget" mode2 <- item2 ( separator? item2 )* tail? {:mode: tag2 :} alias <- {:alias: ( !close . )+ :} value1 <- open !screen %s* value_quoted ( %s* pipe %s* alias )? %s* close screened <- "[[" %s* ":" ( !"]]" . )+ "]]" value_quoted <- ( {:namespace: ns :} %s* ":" %s* )? {:page: ( !pipe !close legal )+ :} ( hashtag {:section: ( !pipe !close . )+ :} )? irrelevant <- ( screened / . ) hashtag <- "#" open <- "[[" legal <- [^]#<>[|{}_] item2 <- {| prefix2? value2 suffix2? |} pipe <- "|" tag2 <- {`plain`} separator <- {:separator: ( ( "<br" ( %s* "/" )? ">" ) / [,;%nl] %s* ) :} value_plain <- ( {:namespace: ns :} %s* ":" %s* )? {:page: ( !separator legal )+ :} ( hashtag {:section: ( !%s !separator . )+ :} )? value2 <- value_plain suffix1 <- {:suffix: ( !value1 !separator irrelevant )+ :} item1 <- {| prefix1? value1 suffix1? |} | ||
Quoted section | [[Title#section 1]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Title", ["section"] = "section 1", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Quoted, ,-separated | [[Title1]], [[title2]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Title1", }, table#3 { ["page"] = "title2", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Plain text, NL-separated | Plain 1 Plain 2 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Plain 1", }, table#3 { ["page"] = "Plain 2", }, ["mode"] = "plain", ["separator"] = "\ ", } |
Only screened | [[:screened]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[:screened]]", } |
Plain section | Title#section_1 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Title", ["section"] = "section_1", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Alias | [[Title|Alias]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["alias"] = "Alias", ["page"] = "Title", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Several quoted, not prefixed | [[Title1]] [[title2]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Title1", ["suffix"] = " ", }, table#3 { ["page"] = "title2", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
With namespace | Текст:О величии |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Текст:О величии", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Quoted | [[Title]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Title", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Quoted, ,-separated, suffices | [[Title1]] (before), [[title2]] (now) |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Title1", ["suffix"] = " (before)", }, table#3 { ["page"] = "title2", ["suffix"] = " (now)", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Screened and some plain | [[:screened]] and some plain |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = " and some plain", ["prefix"] = "[[:screened]]", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Plain text | Plain text 1 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Plain text 1", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Alias and no alias | [[Title1|Alias]], [[Title2]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["alias"] = "Alias", ["page"] = "Title1", }, table#3 { ["page"] = "Title2", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Several quoted, prefixed | [[Title1]] and [[title2]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Title1", ["suffix"] = " and ", }, table#3 { ["page"] = "title2", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Aliases, prefixes | Two titles [[Title1|1]] and [[Title2|2]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["alias"] = "1", ["page"] = "Title1", ["prefix"] = "Two titles ", ["suffix"] = " and ", }, table#3 { ["alias"] = "2", ["page"] = "Title2", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Screened | [[Title]] (in [[:1942]]) |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Title", ["suffix"] = " (in [[:1942]])", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Tail | [[Title]] (in [[:1942]]), allegedly |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Title", ["suffix"] = " (in [[:1942]])", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", ["tail"] = ", allegedly", } |
Plain text, ,-separated | Plain text 1, plain text 2 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["page"] = "Plain text 1", }, table#3 { ["page"] = "plain text 2", }, ["mode"] = "plain", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Formatted string | ||
param <- {| mode1 / mode2 / tail |} !. mode1 <- item1 ( separator? item1 )* tail? {:mode: tag1 :} prefix1 <- {:prefix: ( !value1 irrelevant )+ :} close <- "]]" prefix2 <- {:prefix: ( !value2 irrelevant )+ :} tail <- {:tail: .+ :} screen <- ":" tag1 <- {`[[ wikilink ]]`} suffix2 <- {:suffix: ( !value2 !separator irrelevant )+ :} mode2 <- item2 ( separator? item2 )* tail? {:mode: tag2 :} value_quoted <- {:value: {/\d\d\.\d\d\d\.\d\d\d/} :} value1 <- open !screen %s* value_quoted ( %s* pipe %s* alias )? %s* close irrelevant <- ( screened / . ) screened <- "[[" %s* ":" ( !"]]" . )+ "]]" open <- "[[" tag2 <- {`plain`} item2 <- {| prefix2? value2 suffix2? |} pipe <- "|" alias <- {:alias: ( !close . )+ :} separator <- {:separator: ( ( "<br" ( %s* "/" )? ">" ) / [,;%nl] %s* ) :} value_plain <- {:value: {/\d\d\.\d\d\d\.\d\d\d/} :} value2 <- value_plain suffix1 <- {:suffix: ( !value1 !separator irrelevant )+ :} item1 <- {| prefix1? value1 suffix1? |} | ||
Quoted and irrelevant | [[01.234.567]] (in [[Russia]]) |
table#1 { table#2 { ["suffix"] = " (in [[Russia]])", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Single plain with suffix | 01.234.567 or something |
table#1 { table#2 { ["suffix"] = " or something", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Several quoted | [[01.234.567]] [[89.012.345]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["suffix"] = " ", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, table#3 { ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Single quoted | [[01.234.567]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Several quoted, prefixed | [[01.234.567]] and [[89.012.345]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["suffix"] = " and ", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, table#3 { ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Separated plain | 01.234.567, 89.012.345 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, table#3 { ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "plain", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Screened and not | [[:01.234.567]] [[89.012.345]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["prefix"] = "[[:01.234.567]] ", ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Quoted but screened | [[:01.234.567]] |
table#1 { ["tail"] = "[[:01.234.567]]", } |
Screened and plain | [[:01.234.567]] 89.012.345 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["prefix"] = "[[:01.234.567]] ", ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Separated quoted | [[01.234.567]], [[89.012.345]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, table#3 { ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", ["separator"] = ", ", } |
Quoted with alias | [[01.234.567|you know]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["alias"] = "you know", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Single plain | 01.234.567 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Several plain | 01.234.567 and 89.012.345 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["suffix"] = " and ", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, table#3 { ["value"] = "89.012.345", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
Single quoted with prefix | About [[01.234.567]] |
table#1 { table#2 { ["prefix"] = "About ", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Single quoted with suffix | [[01.234.567]] or something |
table#1 { table#2 { ["suffix"] = " or something", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "[[ wikilink ]]", } |
Single plain with prefix | About 01.234.567 |
table#1 { table#2 { ["prefix"] = "About ", ["value"] = "01.234.567", }, ["mode"] = "plain", } |
local dependencies = require 'Module:SummaryII/dependencies'
local gsub, merge, concat = dependencies.gsub, dependencies.merge, dependencies.join
local p = {
open = '[[',
screen = ':',
pipe = '|',
close = ']]',
separator = '( ( "<br" ( %s* "/" )? ">" ) / [,;%nl] %s* )',
four_dots = '::'
local function dq (str)
return '"' .. str .. '"'
p.screened = dq (p.open) .. ' %s* ' .. dq (p.screen) .. ' ( !' .. dq (p.close) .. ' . )+ ' .. dq (p.close)
local modes = {
internal = {
__mode = '[[ wikilink ]]',
open = dq (p.open),
screen = dq (p.screen),
pipe = dq (p.pipe),
close = dq (p.close),
value = 'open !screen %s* value_quoted ( %s* pipe %s* alias )? %s* close',
alias = '{:alias: ( !close . )+ :}'
external = {
__mode = '[ url ]',
open = dq '[',
pipe = '%s+',
close = dq ']'
plain = {
__mode = 'plain',
value = 'value_plain'
local function ns (...)
local namespaces = {...}
local content = namespaces[1] == 'content'
local subject = namespaces[1] == 'subject'
local list
if namespaces [1] == 0 then
-- main namespace:
list = ''
-- other namespace(s):
namespaces = #namespaces == 0 and dependencies.namespace_ids.all
or namespaces [1] == 'content' and dependencies.namespace_ids.content
or namespaces [1] == 'subject' and dependencies.namespace_ids.subject
or namespaces
local aliases = {}
for _, id in ipairs (namespaces) do
local config = dependencies.namespaces [id]
if config then
aliases [#aliases + 1] = config.name
aliases [#aliases + 1] = config.canonicalName
if config.displayName then
aliases [#aliases + 1] = config.displayName
for _, alias in ipairs (config.aliases) do
aliases [#aliases + 1] = alias
list = '"' .. gsub (concat (aliases, '" / "'), '_', ' ') .. '"'
return list, namespace and dependencies.namespaces [namespaces [1]].name or ''
local function quantity (units)
return '{:sign: sign :} %s* ( float_comma / float_dot ) %s* exp?'
.. (units and ' %s* {:unit: ' .. units .. ' :}' or '')
local types = {
Page = {
value_quoted = '( {:namespace: ns :} %s* ":" %s* )? {:page: ( !pipe !close legal )+ :} ( hashtag {:section: ( !pipe !close . )+ :} )?',
value_plain = '( {:namespace: ns :} %s* ":" %s* )? {:page: ( !separator legal )+ :} ( hashtag {:section: ( !%s !separator . )+ :} )?',
ns = ns,
legal = '[^]#<>[|{}_]',
hashtag = '"#"'
String = {
value_quoted = function (regex)
return '{:value: ' .. (regex and '{/' .. regex .. '/}' or '( !pipe !close . )+') .. ' :}'
value_plain = function (regex)
return '{:value: ' .. (regex and '{/' .. regex .. '/}' or '( !separator !screened . )+') .. ' :}'
Number = {
value_plain = 'quantity',
value_quoted = 'quantity',
quantity = quantity,
sign = '[+-]?',
float_comma = 'int_dot ( {:decimal: comma :} frac )? !( dot %d )',
int_dot = '{:classes: {| senior ( {:class_sep: %s+ / dot / "" :} class )* |} :}',
float_dot = 'int_comma ({:decimal: dot :} frac)?',
int_comma = '{:classes: {| senior ( {:class_sep: %s+ / comma / "" :} class )* |} :}',
senior = '{ %d+ }',
class = '{ %d^3 }',
frac = '{:frac: %d+ :}',
exp = 'exp_e / exp_10caron / exp_10sup',
exp_e = '[eE] %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :}',
exp_10caron = 'multiply %s* "10" %s* "^" %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :}',
exp_10sup = 'multiply %s* "10" %s* "<sup>" %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} %s* "</sup>"',
multiply = '[*•⋅]',
dot = '"."',
comma = '","'
local function concat_dict (dict)
local array = {}
for _, value in ipairs (dict) do
array [#array + 1] = value
for key, value in pairs (dict) do
if type (key) ~= 'number' then
array [#array + 1] = tostring (key) .. ' <- ' .. tostring (value)
return concat (array, '\n')
local function resolve (tbl, ...)
for key, value in pairs (tbl) do
if type (value) == 'function' then
tbl [key] = value (...)
return tbl
local function sequence (mode, defs, ...)
local m, tag, item, value, prefix, suffix = 'mode' .. mode, 'tag' .. mode, 'item' .. mode, 'value' .. mode, 'prefix' .. mode, 'suffix' .. mode
local seq = merge ({
[m] = item .. ' ( separator? ' .. item .. ' )* tail? {:mode: ' .. tag .. ' :}',
[item] = '{| ' .. prefix .. '? ' .. value .. ' ' .. suffix .. '? |}',
[prefix] = '{:prefix: ( !' .. value .. ' irrelevant )+ :}',
[suffix] = '{:suffix: ( !' .. value .. ' !separator irrelevant )+ :}',
[tag] = '{`' .. defs.__mode .. '`}',
[value] = defs.value
}, defs)
seq.__mode, seq.value = nil, nil
return resolve (seq, ...)
local function syntaxes (variants, ...)
local selection, grammar = {}, {}
for i, variant in ipairs (variants) do
grammar = merge (grammar, sequence (i, variant, ...))
selection [#selection + 1] = 'mode' .. i
return 'param <- {| ' .. concat (selection, ' / ') .. ' / tail |} !.\n'
.. concat_dict (merge (
grammar, {
screened = p.screened,
separator = '{:separator: ' .. p.separator .. ' :}',
irrelevant = '( screened / . )',
tail = '{:tail: .+ :}'
local formats = {
Page = {
-- Quoted:
merge (modes.internal, types.Page),
-- Plain:
merge (modes.plain, types.Page)
String = {
-- Quoted:
merge (modes.internal, types.String),
-- Plain:
merge (modes.plain, types.String)
Number = {
-- Quoted:
merge (modes.internal, types.Number),
-- Plain:
merge (modes.plain, types.Number)
local test_cases = {
Page = {
format = 'Page',
cases = {
['Plain text'] = 'Plain text 1',
['Plain text, ,-separated'] = 'Plain text 1, plain text 2',
['Plain text, NL-separated'] = 'Plain 1\nPlain 2',
['Quoted'] = '[[Title]]',
['Quoted, ,-separated'] = '[[Title1]], [[title2]]',
['Several quoted, prefixed'] = '[[Title1]] and [[title2]]',
['Several quoted, not prefixed'] = '[[Title1]] [[title2]]',
['Quoted, ,-separated, suffices'] = '[[Title1]] (before), [[title2]] (now)',
['Tail'] = '[[Title]] (in [[:1942]]), allegedly',
['Screened'] = '[[Title]] (in [[:1942]])',
['Alias'] = '[[Title|Alias]]',
['Alias and no alias'] = '[[Title1|Alias]], [[Title2]]',
['Aliases, prefixes'] = 'Two titles [[Title1|1]] and [[Title2|2]]',
['Quoted section'] = '[[Title#section 1]]',
['Plain section'] = 'Title#section_1',
['Only screened'] = '[[:screened]]',
['Screened and some plain'] = '[[:screened]] and some plain',
['With namespace'] = 'Текст:О величии'
['Free string'] = {
format = 'String',
cases = {
['Single plain'] = '01.234.567',
['Single plain with suffix'] = '01.234.567 or something',
['Single plain with prefix'] = 'About 01.234.567',
['Separated plain'] = '01.234.567, 89.012.345',
['Single quoted'] = '[[01.234.567]]',
['Single quoted with prefix'] = 'About [[01.234.567]]',
['Single quoted with suffix'] = '[[01.234.567]] or something',
['Quoted with alias'] = '[[01.234.567|you know]]',
['Several quoted, prefixed'] = '[[01.234.567]] and [[89.012.345]]',
['Several quoted'] = '[[01.234.567]] [[89.012.345]]',
['Separated quoted'] = '[[01.234.567]], [[89.012.345]]',
['Quoted but screened'] = '[[:01.234.567]]',
['Screened and not'] = '[[:01.234.567]] [[89.012.345]]',
['Screened and plain'] = '[[:01.234.567]] 89.012.345'
['Formatted string'] = {
format = 'String',
cases = {
['Single plain'] = '01.234.567',
['Single plain with suffix'] = '01.234.567 or something',
['Single plain with prefix'] = 'About 01.234.567',
['Separated plain'] = '01.234.567, 89.012.345',
['Several plain'] = '01.234.567 and 89.012.345',
['Single quoted'] = '[[01.234.567]]',
['Single quoted with prefix'] = 'About [[01.234.567]]',
['Single quoted with suffix'] = '[[01.234.567]] or something',
['Quoted with alias'] = '[[01.234.567|you know]]',
['Several quoted'] = '[[01.234.567]] [[89.012.345]]',
['Separated quoted'] = '[[01.234.567]], [[89.012.345]]',
['Several quoted, prefixed'] = '[[01.234.567]] and [[89.012.345]]',
['Quoted but screened'] = '[[:01.234.567]]',
['Quoted and irrelevant'] = '[[01.234.567]] (in [[Russia]])',
['Screened and not'] = '[[:01.234.567]] [[89.012.345]]',
['Screened and plain'] = '[[:01.234.567]] 89.012.345'
params = { '\\d\\d\\.\\d\\d\\d\\.\\d\\d\\d' }
['Number'] = {
format = 'Number',
cases = {
['Plain one-digit integer'] = '5',
['Plain two-digits integer'] = '45',
['Plain comma-separated float'] = '4,5',
['Comma-sep. two plain comma-sep. floats'] = '4,5, 6,7',
['S.-comma-sep. two plain comma-sep. floats'] = '4,5; 6,7',
['Plain dot-separated float'] = '4.5',
['Comma-sep. two plain dot-sep. floats'] = '4.5, 6.7',
['Plain comma-separated float with spaces'] = '1 004,5',
['Plain comma-separated float with dots'] = '1.004,5',
['Plain dot-separated float with spaces'] = '1 004.5',
['Plain dot-separated float with commas'] = '1,004.5',
['Plain comma-separated float with exponent e'] = '1,5e2',
['Plain comma-separated float with exponent e'] = '1,5e2',
['Quoted one-digit integer'] = '[[5]]',
['Quoted two-digits integer'] = '[[45]]',
['Quoted integer and screened'] = '[[45]] (in [[:1945]])',
['Quoted and irrelevant'] = '[[42]] (in [[Russia]])',
['Two quoted two-digits integer'] = '[[45]] and [[67]]',
['Quoted comma-separated float'] = '[[4,5]]',
['Quoted dot-separated float'] = '[[4.5]]',
['Quoted comma-separated float with spaces'] = '[[1 004,5]]',
['Quoted comma-separated float with dots'] = '[[1.004,5]]',
['Quoted dot-separated float with spaces'] = '[[1 004.5]]',
['Quoted dot-separated float with commas'] = '[[1,004.5]]',
['Quoted comma-separated float with exp. e'] = '[[1,5e2]]',
['Quoted comma-separated float with exp. e'] = '[[1,5e2]]',
['Quantity'] = {
format = 'Number',
cases = {
['Plain one-digit integer'] = '5',
['Plain two-digits integer'] = '45',
['Plain comma-separated float'] = '4,5',
['Comma-sep. two plain comma-sep. floats'] = '4,5, 6,7',
['S.-comma-sep. two plain comma-sep. floats'] = '4,5; 6,7',
['Plain two-digits integer; unit'] = '45 м',
['Plain comma-separated float; unit'] = '4,5 м',
['Comma-sep. two plain comma-sep. floats; u.'] = '4,5 м, 6,7 м',
['Plain dot-separated float'] = '4.5',
['Comma-sep. two plain dot-sep. floats'] = '4.5, 6.7',
['Plain comma-separated float with spaces'] = '1 004,5',
['Plain comma-separated float with dots'] = '1.004,5',
['Plain dot-separated float with spaces'] = '1 004.5',
['Plain dot-separated float with commas'] = '1,004.5',
['Plain comma-separated float with exponent e'] = '1,5e2',
['Plain comma-separated float with exponent e'] = '1,5e2',
['Quoted one-digit integer'] = '[[5]]',
['Quoted two-digits integer'] = '[[45]]',
['Quoted integer and screened'] = '[[45]] (in [[:1945]])',
['Quoted and irrelevant'] = '[[42]] (in [[Russia]])',
['Two quoted two-digits integer'] = '[[45]] and [[67]]',
['Two quoted two-digits integer, unit'] = '[[45 м]] and [[67м]]',
['Quoted comma-separated float'] = '[[4,5]]',
['Quoted dot-separated float'] = '[[4.5]]',
['Quoted comma-separated float with spaces'] = '[[1 004,5]]',
['Quoted comma-separated float with dots'] = '[[1.004,5]]',
['Quoted dot-separated float with spaces'] = '[[1 004.5]]',
['Quoted dot-separated float with commas'] = '[[1,004.5]]',
['Quoted comma-separated float with exp. e'] = '[[1,5e2]]',
['Quoted comma-separated float with exp. e'] = '[[1,5e2]]',
params = { '"мкм" / "мм" / "см" / "м" / "км"' }
p.test = function (frame)
local output = {}
local re = require 'Module:Re'
local dump = mw.dumpObject
for name, settings in pairs (test_cases) do
output [#output + 1] = '|-'
output [#output + 1] = '! colspan="3" |\n==' .. name .. '=='
output [#output + 1] = '|-'
local grammar = syntaxes (formats [settings.format], unpack (settings.params or {}))
output [#output + 1] = '| colspan="3" | <pre>' .. grammar .. '</pre>'
local compiled = re.compile (grammar)
for desc, case in pairs (settings.cases) do
output [#output + 1] = '|-'
output [#output + 1] = '| ' .. desc
output [#output + 1] = '| <pre><nowiki>' .. case .. '</nowiki></pre>'
output [#output + 1] = '| <pre><nowiki>' .. dump (compiled and compiled:match (case) or 'skipped') .. '</nowiki></pre>'
local tbl = '__TOC__\n{| class="wikitable"\n! Description !! Value !! Parsed\n'
.. concat (output, '\n')
.. '\n|}'
if frame then
tbl = frame:preprocess (tbl)
return tbl
local grammar_persistent = [[
param <- ( quoted / plain / tail ) !.
quoted <- item ( separator? item )* tail?
item <- {| prefix? link suffix? |}
link <- open !screen %s* value_quoted ( %s* pipe %s* alias )? %s* close
atom <- screened / ( !open . )
prefix <- {:prefix: atom+ :}
alias <- {:alias: ( !close . )+ :}
suffix <- {:suffix: ( !separator atom )+ :}
tail <- {:tail: atom+ :}
plain <- {| value_plain |} ( separator {| value_plain |} )* tail?
screened <- open screen (!close .)* close
p.legal = '.'
function p.value (value_plain, value_quoted, open, property, screen, pipe, close, separator)
local default_value
= [==[{| {:value: ( !sep legal )+ :} |}
legal <- ]==] .. p.legal
return 're', grammar_persistent
.. ' value_plain <- ' .. (value_plain or default_value)
.. '\n value_quoted <- ' .. (value_quoted or value_plain or default_value)
.. '\n open <- ' .. dq (open or p.open)
.. '\n screen <- ' .. dq (screen or p.screen)
.. '\n pipe <- ' .. dq (pipe or p.pipe)
.. '\n close <- ' .. dq (close or p.close)
.. '\n separator <- {:separator: ' .. (separator or p.separator) .. ' %s* :}'
.. '\n'
function p.format (property)
return '<<|<<#|'
.. '(<<?prefix>>)'
.. p.open .. (property and property .. p.four_dots or '')
.. '((<<value>>))'
.. '<<|' .. '\\' .. p.pipe .. '<<alias>>|>>' .. p.close
.. '<<?suffix>><<,|<<?separator>>>>'
.. '|>>>>{<<?tail>>}'
return '<<|<<#|'
.. 'prefix: <<?prefix>>, '
.. 'value: <<value>>, '
.. 'alias: <<alias>>, '
.. 'suffix: <<?suffix>>, separator: <<?separator>>, '
.. '|>>>>, tail: <<?tail>>'
return p