Яэль Мозес
Яэль Мозес Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Wikidata на строке 1528: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
- Дата рождения:
- Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Wikidata на строке 1528: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
- Место рождения:
- Израиль
- Дата смерти:
- Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Wikidata на строке 1528: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
- Автограф:
- Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Wikidata на строке 1528: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).

Ошибка Lua в Модуль:Autosorting на строке 85: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).
Яэль Мозес (англ. Yael Moses, ивр. יעל מוזס) — израильский ученый, профессор Школы компьютерных наук имени Эфи Арази, Междисциплинарный центр в Герцлии[1].
Биография[править | править код]
В 1984 году получила степень по математике и информатике в Еврейском университете в Иерусалиме.
В 1994 году получила степень магистра и докторскую степень в области компьютерных наук в Институте Вейцмана, защитив под руководством проф. Шимона Ульмана диссертацию по теме «Face recognition: generalization to novel images».
Была аспирантом в группе робототехники Оксфордского университета с 1993 по 1994 год и в Институте Вейцмана с 1994 по 1997 год.
В 1999 году устроилась в Школу компьютерных наук в Междисциплинарном центре в Герцлии.
Ее основные научные интересы включают компьютерное зрение и применение компьютерного зрения в мультимедийных системах. В частности, её исследования сосредоточены на системах с несколькими камерами, таких как камеры наблюдения или набор камер мобильных телефонов[2][3].
Труды[править | править код]
- Lior Talker, Yael Moses, and Ilan Shimshoni. Efficient Sliding Window Computation for NN-Based Template Matching. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018
- Shir Goldstein, and Yael Moses. Guitar Music Transcription from Silent Video. British Conference on Computer Vision (BMVC), 2018
- Shachaf Melman, Yael Moses, Gérard Medioni, and Yinghao Cai. The Multi-strand Graph for a PTZ Tracker. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 60 (4), 594-608, 2018
- Adi Dafni, Yael Moses, Shai Avidan, and Tali Dekel. Detecting moving regions in CrowdCam images. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2017
- Mor Dar & Moses Yael. Temporal Epipolar Regions. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016
- Lior Talker, Moses Yael, Ilan Shimshoni. Using Spatial Order to Boost the Elimination of Incorrect Feature Matches. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016.
- Melman Shachaf, Moses Yael, Medioni Gerard, Cai Yinghau. The Multi-Strand Graph for a PTZ Tracker. Internation Conderence on Advance Video and Signal-base Surveillance, 2015
- Dekel (basha) Tali, Moses Yael, Avidan Shai. Photo Sequencing. International Journal of Computer Vision )IJCV) 2014
- Talker Lior & Moses Yael. Viewpoint-Independent Book Spine Segmentation. IEEE Winter Conference on Application of Computer Vision, 2014
- Dekel (Basha) Tali, Avidan Shai and Moses Yae. Space-Time Tradeoffs in Photo Sequencing. International Conference on Computer Vision )ICCV), 2013
- Dekel (Basha) Tali, Avidan Shai and Moses Yael. Stereo Seam Carving -- A Geometrically Consistent Approach'. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), October, pp. 2513-2525, 2013
- Basha Tali, Moses Yael, Avidan Shai. Photo Sequencing. In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2012
- Dekel Tali, Moses Yael, and Kiryati Nahum. A View Centered Variational Approach. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) accepted for publication, 2012. Published IJCV: online-first, 2012
- Tali Basha, Moses Yael, Avidan Shai. Geometrically Consistent Stereo Seam Carving. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)2011
- Lev-Tov Amir and Yael Moses. Path Recovery of a Disappearing Target in a Large Network of Cameras. In Proceedings of International Conference ononference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC), 2010
- Pundik Dmitry and Moses Yael. Video Synchronization Using Temporal Signals from Epipolar Lines. In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2010
- Basha Tali, Moses Yael, and Kiryati Nahum. Multi-View Scene Flow Estimation: A View Centered Variational Approach. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010
- Eshel Ran and Moses Yael. Tracking in a Dense Crowd using Multiple Cameras. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 88(1), p. 1-15 2010
- Kagarlitsky Sefy, Moses Yael , and Hel-Or Yacov. Piecewise-consistent Color Mappings of Images Acquired Under Various Conditions. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2009
- Moses Yael and Shimshoni Ilan. 3D Shape Recovery of Smooth Surfaces: Dropping the Fixed Viewpoint Assumption. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 71(7), pp.~1310-1324. 2009
- Eshel Ran and Moses Yael. Homography Based Multiple Camera Detection and Tracking of People in a Dense Crowd. In Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2008
- Avidan, Shai, Moses Yael and Moses Yoram. Centralized and Distributed Multi-view Correspondence. International Journal of Computer Vision, 71(1), 2007, pp. 49-69(21) IJCV 2007
- Robles-Kelly Antonio and Moses Yael. Transitivity-based Removal of Correspondence Outliers for Motion Analysis. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision, 2006
- Moses Yael and Shimshoni Ilan. 3D Shape Recovery of Smooth Surfaces: Dropping the Fixed Viewpoint Assumption. In Proceedings of Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2006
- Avidan, Shai. Moses Yael and Moses Yoram. Probabilistic Multi-view Correspondence in a Distributed Setting. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, pp: 428-441,2004
- Moses Y. and Shimshoni I. Recovering Epipolar Geometry from Images of Smooth Surfaces. Technical Report, The School of Computer Scince, IDC, CS-TR-200201
- Moiza G., Tal A., Shimshoni I., Barnett D., and Moses Y. Image-Based Animation of Facial Expressions, The Visual Computer,33(7): pp 445-467, 2003.
- Shimshoni I., Moses Y., and Lindenbaum M. Shape Reconstruction of 3D Bilaterally Symmetric Surfaces. International Journal of Computer Vision, 39(2), pp. 97--100, 2000
- Basri R., and Moses Y. When is it possible to identify 3D objects from single images using class constraints. International Journal of Computer Vision, 33(2): pp. 40-61, 1999
- Moses Y., and Ullman S. Generalization to Novel Views: Universal, Class-based, and Model-based Processing. International Journal on Computer Vision, 29, pp. 233-253, 1998
- Adini Y., Moses Y., and Ullman S. Face Recognition: the Problem of Compensating for Illumination Changes. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) 19(7), pp. 721-732, 1997
- Moses Y., Edelman, S., and Ullman, S. Generalization to Novel Images in Upright and Inverted Faces. Perception, 25, 443-461, 1996.
- Moses Y., Reynard D., and A. Blake. Robust real time tracking and classificiation of facial expressions. In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision ( ICCV), 1995, pages 296--301
- Yael Moses, Gideom Schechtman, and Shimon Ullman. Self-Calibrated Collinearity Detector, Biological Cybernetics, 563, pages~463--475, 1990
Примечания[править | править код]
- ↑ https://faculty.idc.ac.il/moses/
- ↑ Eshel, Ran; Moses, Yael (2008). "Homography based multiple camera detection and tracking of people in a dense crowd". IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR): 1–8.
- ↑ Basha, Tali; Moses, Yael; Kiryati, Nahum (2013). "Multi-view scene flow estimation: A view centered variational approach". International Journal of Computer Vision. 101: 6–21.