История микроскопа
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История микроскопа и микроскопии насчитывает почти тысячу лет. Кратко рассмотрим основные вехи в истории микроскопа; события, приведшем к созданию целой отрасли - оптико-механической промышленности, и, вместе с неё - к развитию специальной отрасли науки - Точная механика и оптика.
- 1021 - Свойства увеличительного стекла, лупы en:magnifying glass впервые ясно были описаны в арабским физиком, en:Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen), в его "Оптике" (en:Book of Optics).[1]
- 1100-е гг. - Свойства увеличительного стекла стали известны в Европе, после того, как книга Alhazen Book of Optics была переведена на латынь
- 1200-е гг. - В Италии изобретены очки
- 1590 - Dutch spectacle-makers Hans Janssen and his son Zacharias Janssen, claimed by later writers (Pierre Borel 1620 - 1671 or 1628 - 1689 and Willem Boreel 1591 - 1668) to have invented a compound microscope.
- 1609 - Галилео Галилей изобрёл микроскоп с convex and a concave lens.
- 1612 - Галилей разработал occhiolino для польского короля Сигизмунда III.
- 1619 - Cornelius Drebbel (1572 - 1633) presents, in London, a compound microscope with two convex lenses.
- c.1622 - Drebbel presents his invention in Rome.
- 1624 - Галилей сделал occhiolino для принца Federico Cesi, founder of the Accademia dei Lincei (in English, The Linceans).
- 1625 - Giovanni Faber of Bamberg (1574 - 1629) of the Linceans coins the word microscope by analogy with telescope.
- 1665 - Роберт Гук опубликовал книгу Micrographia, сборник биологических микрографий. He coins the word cell for the structures he discovers in cork bark.
- 1674 - Антон ван Левенгук improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens.
- 1863 - Henry Clifton Sorby develops a metallurgical microscope to observe structure of meteorites.
- 1860s - Эрнст Аббе discovers the Abbe sine condition, a breakthrough in microscope design, which until then was largely based on trial and error. The company of Carl Zeiss exploited this discovery and becomes the dominant microscope manufacturer of its era.
- 1931 - Ernst Ruska starts to build the first electron microscope. It is a Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
- 1936 - Erwin Wilhelm Müller invents the field emission microscope.
- 1938 - James Hillier builds another TEM
- 1951 - Erwin Wilhelm Müller invents the field ion microscope and is the first to see atoms.
- 1953 - Frits Zernike, professor of theoretical physics, receives the Nobel Prize in Physics for his invention of the phase contrast microscope.
- 1955 - George Nomarski, professor of microscopy, published the theoretical basis of Differential interference contrast microscopy.[2]
- 1967 - Erwin Wilhelm Müller adds time-of-flight spectroscopy to the field ion microscope, making the first atom probe and allowing the chemical identification of each individual atom.
- 1981 - Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer develop the scanning tunneling microscope (STM).
- 1986 - Gerd Binnig, Quate, and Gerber invent the Atomic force microscope (AFM)
- 1988 - Alfred Cerezo, Terence Godfrey, and George D. W. Smith applied a position-sensitive detector to the atom probe, making it able to resolve atoms in 3-dimensions.
- 1988 - Kingo Itaya invents the Electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope
- 1991 - Kelvin probe force microscope invented.
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- ↑ Kriss, Timothy C.; Kriss, Vesna Martich (April 1998), "History of the Operating Microscope: From Magnifying Glass to Microneurosurgery", Neurosurgery, 42 (4): 899–907, doi:10.1097/00006123-199804000-00116
- ↑ Nomarski, G. (1955). Microinterféromètre différentiel à ondes polarisées.josh porter rules J. Phys. Radium, Paris 16: 9S-11S