< Модуль:SummaryII | types
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<<=re~ param <- ( quoted / plain / tail ) !. quoted <- item ( separator? item )* tail? item <- {| prefix? link suffix? |} link <- open !screen %s* value_quoted ( %s* pipe %s* alias )? %s* close atom <- screened / ( !open . ) prefix <- {:prefix: atom+ :} alias <- {:alias: ( !close . )+ :} suffix <- {:suffix: ( !separator atom )+ :} tail <- {:tail: atom+ :} plain <- {| value_plain |} ( separator {| value_plain |} )* tail? screened <- open screen (!close .)* close value_plain <- {:sign: sign :} %s* ( float_comma / float_dot ) %s* exp? value_quoted <- {:sign: sign :} %s* ( float_comma / float_dot ) %s* exp? open <- "[[" screen <- ":" pipe <- "|" close <- "]]" separator <- {:separator: ( ( "<br" ( %s* "/" )? ">" ) / [,;%nl] %s* ) %s* :} sign <- [+-]? float_comma <- int_dot ( {:decimal: comma :} frac )? !( dot %d ) int_dot <- senior ( {:class_sep: %s+ / dot :} class )* float_dot <- int_comma ({:decimal: dot :} frac)? int_comma <- senior ( {:class_sep: %s+ / comma :} class )* senior <- { %d+ } class <- { %d^3 } frac <- {:frac: %d+ :} exp <- exp_e / exp_10caron / exp_10sup exp_e <- [eE] %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} exp_10caron <- mutiply %s* "10" %s* "^" %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} exp_10sup <- mutiply %s* "10" %s* "<sup>" %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} %s* "</sup>" mutiply <- [*•⋅] dot <- "." comma <- "," ~|<<|<<#|<<?prefix>>[[Has property::<<?sign>><<#|<<>>>><<|,<<frac>>|>><<|e<<exp>>|>><<|\|<<alias>>|\|<<?sign>><<#|<<>><<,|<<class_sep| >>>>>><<|<<decimal>><<frac>>|>><<|·10<sup><<exp>></sup>|>>>>]]<<?suffix>><<,|<<?separator>>>>|>>>><<?tail>>>>
Plain dot-separated float with spaces | 1 004.5 | [[Has property::1004,5|1 004.5]]
Plain comma-separated float with dots | 1.004,5 | [[Has property::1004,5|1 004,5]]
Plain one-digit integer | 5 | [[Has property::5|5]]
Plain comma-separated float | 4,5 | [[Has property::4,5|4,5]]
Plain comma-separated float with exponent e | 1,5e2 | [[Has property::1,5e2|1,5·10<sup>2</sup>]]
Plain two-digits integer | 45 | [[Has property::45|45]]
Plain dot-separated float | 4.5 | [[Has property::4,5|4.5]]
Plain dot-separated float with commas | 1,004.5 | [[Has property::1004,5|1 004.5]]
Plain comma-separated float with spaces | 1 004,5 | [[Has property::1004,5|1 004,5]]
local dependencies = require 'Module:SummaryII/dependencies'
local p = require 'Module:SummaryII/types'
p.plain = '{:sign: sign :} %s* ( float_comma / float_dot ) %s* exp?'
p.quoted = plain
local value = p.value
function p.value (value_plain, value_quoted, separator, namespace)
local flavour, widget = value (p.plain, p.quoted, separator, namespace)
widget = widget .. [==[
sign <- [+-]?
float_comma <- int_dot ( {:decimal: comma :} frac )? !( dot %d )
int_dot <- senior ( {:class_sep: %s+ / dot :} class )*
float_dot <- int_comma ({:decimal: dot :} frac)?
int_comma <- senior ( {:class_sep: %s+ / comma :} class )*
senior <- { %d+ }
class <- { %d^3 }
frac <- {:frac: %d+ :}
exp <- exp_e / exp_10caron / exp_10sup
exp_e <- [eE] %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :}
exp_10caron <- mutiply %s* "10" %s* "^" %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :}
exp_10sup <- mutiply %s* "10" %s* "<sup>" %s* {:exp: sign? %s* %d+ :} %s* "</sup>"
mutiply <- [*•⋅]
dot <- "."
comma <- ","
return flavour, widget
-- @TODO: p.value with named arguments.
function p.format (property, default_ns)
local decimal = ',' -- @TODO.
local value = '<<?sign>><<#|<<>>>><<|' .. decimal .. '<<frac>>|>><<|e<<exp>>|>>'
local alias = '<<?sign>><<#|<<>><<,|<<class_sep| >>>>>><<|<<decimal>><<frac>>|>><<|·10<sup><<exp>></sup>|>>'
return '<<|<<#|'
.. '<<?prefix>>'
.. p.open .. (property and property .. p.four_dots or '')
.. value
.. '<<|' .. '\\' .. p.pipe .. '<<alias>>|\\' .. p.pipe .. alias .. '>>' .. p.close
.. '<<?suffix>><<,|<<?separator>>>>'
.. '|>>>><<?tail>>'
local concat = dependencies.join
local gsub = dependencies.gsub
function p.test (frame)
local tokens = dependencies.tokens
local open, pipe, close, equals, delim = tokens.open, tokens.pipe, tokens.close, tokens.equals, tokens.delim
local flavour, regex = p.value (p.plain, p.quoted)
local format = open
.. equals .. flavour .. delim .. regex .. delim
.. pipe .. p.format 'Has property'
.. close
local formatter = dependencies.formatter (format)
local function preprocess (wikitext)
return frame and frame:preprocess (wikitext) or wikitext
local result = { preprocess ( '<pre><nowiki>' .. format .. '</nowiki></pre>') }
result [#result + 1] = '{| class="wikitable"', '! Case !! Wikitext !! Formatted'
local cases = {
['Plain one-digit integer'] = '5',
['Plain two-digits integer'] = '45',
['Plain comma-separated float'] = '4,5',
['Plain dot-separated float'] = '4.5',
['Plain comma-separated float with spaces'] = '1 004,5',
['Plain comma-separated float with dots'] = '1.004,5',
['Plain dot-separated float with spaces'] = '1 004.5',
['Plain dot-separated float with commas'] = '1,004.5',
['Plain comma-separated float with exponent e'] = '1,5e2',
['Plain comma-separated float with exponent e'] = '1,5e2',
for title, wikitext in pairs (cases) do
local tbl = { param = wikitext }
result [#result + 1] = '|-'
result [#result + 1] = '| ' .. title
result [#result + 1] = '| ' .. wikitext
result [#result + 1] = '| ' .. preprocess ('<code><nowiki>'.. (type (formatter) == 'function'
and formatter (tbl)
or tostring (formatter)
) .. '</nowiki></code>')
result [#result + 1] = '|}'
return table.concat (result, '\n')
return p