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Модели Apple Macintosh[править код]

The following non-Macintosh Apple products are included for historical context only The following non-Macintosh Apple products are included for historical context only Old World ROM New World ROM EFI TV LC 575 LC 580 5200 5400 5260 / 5300 5500 G3 AIO iMac iMac (slot loading) iMac G4 15'' eMac Apple Lisa Lisa 2 128K 512K XL 512Ke SE Plus SE FDHD |(Platinum Plus) SE/30 Classic LC 520 Classic II Color Classic LC 550 Color Classic II TAM iMac G4 17'' iMac G4 20'' iMac G5 17'' iMac G5 20'' CD 17'' CD 20'' iMac Core 2 17'' iMac Core 2 20'' iMac Core 2 24'' Core 2 21.5'' Core i 27'' LC LC II LC III / LC III+ 4400 Macintosh II Macintosh IIx Macintosh IIcx Macintosh IIci Macintosh IIfx Macintosh IIsi Macintosh IIvi Macintosh IIvx Quadra 605 Cent. 610 Cent. 650 Cent. / Quadra 660AV Q. 610 Quadra 650 Quadra 630 6100 6200 / 6300 6500 6360 6400 mini mini Core mini Core 2 mini Server Quadra 700 Quadra 800 Quadra 840AV 7100 7500 8100 9500 7200 7600 8500 9600 7300 8600 G3 desktop G4 Cube G5 G5 FX G5 DC Mac Pro Q. 900 Quadra 950 G3 minitower G4 Graphite G4 Quicksilver G4 Mirrored Drive Doors Mac Pro Server WGS 60 WGS 80 WGS 95 ANS 500 ANS 700/150 ANS 700/200 Xserve Xserve SL Xserve CN Xserve G5 Xserve G5 Cluster Node Intel Xserve WGS 6150 WGS 8150 WGS 9150 WGS 7250 WGS 8550 WGS 7350 WGS 9650 Server G3 S. G3* Server G4 S. G4** S. G4 QS S. G4 MDD Portable PBL 100 140 170 145 160 165c 180 145b 165 180c 150 520/c 540/c 550c 190/cs 5300 1400c/cs 3400c G3 G3 series Lombard Pismo iBook (14'') G4 Titanium iBook G4 (14'') G4 Aluminum (12'') G4 Aluminum (15'') G4 Aluminum (17'') MBP 15'' MBP MB MBP Core 2 (15'') MBP Core 2 (17'') MacBook Core 2 MB Aluminum MBP (13'') Uni MBP Uni (15'') MBP Uni (17'') Apple III Apple III Plus Apple IIe Apple IIc Apple IIGS Apple IIe CardMacintosh LC Apple IIe Platinum Apple IIc Plus Consumer A/V Apple Newton Apple iPad Apple iPhone Apple iPod Apple TV 210 230 250 270c 280 2300c 280c 2400c iBook iBook FW iBook (white) MacBook Air iBook G4 MacBook Air 11'' MacBook Air 13'' 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Диапазоны голосов и музыкальных инструментов[править код]

human voice bass baritone tenor alto mezzo-soprano soprano String instrument bowed violin family double bass cello viola violin plucked harp harpsichord bass guitar guitar mandolin 5-string banjo Zither piano hammered dulcimer cymbalum aerophone woodwind instrument double reed exposed bassoons contrabassoon bassoon oboes cor anglais heckelphone oboe single reed clarinet family octocontrabass clarinet octacontra-alto clarinet contrabass clarinet contra-alto clarinet bass clarinet alto clarinet soprano clarinet sopranino clarinet saxophone family subcontrabass saxophone contrabass saxophone bass saxophone baritone sax tenor saxophone alto saxophone mezzo-soprano saxophone soprano saxophone sopranino saxophone sopranissimo saxophone free reed harmonium accordion 16-hole harmonica typical C harmonica flutes side blown western concert flute family hyperbass flute double contrabass flute subcontrabass flute contrabass flute contra-alto flute bass flute alto flute flute piccolo internal duct (fipple) recorders bass recorder tenor recorder alto recorder soprano recorder sopranino recorder organ* brass instrument tubas contrabass tuba bass tuba tenor wagner tuba cimbasso trombones contrabass trombone bass trombone tenor trombone alto trombone horns horn baritone horn euphonium alto horn flugelhorn trumpets bass trumpet cornet trumpet piccolo trumpet membranophone timpani D drum G drum C drum F drum A drum B drum idiophone marimba xylophone crotales metallophones celesta vibraphone glockenspiel tubular bells gong C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 20 30 44 70 100 150 200 300 440 700 1000 1500 2000 3000 4400 Hz C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 20 30 44 70 100 150 200 300 440 700 1000 1500 2000 3000 4400 Hz 2 74 146 218 290 362 434 506 578 650

История информационных технологий[править код]

History of Computing Predictions and concepts Open problems/(Competitions) First use/(Inventions) Hardware Systems/(Processors) Operating Systems Programming Languages New Application Areas 'Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.' —Popular Mechanics 'We'll have to think up bigger problems if we want to keep them busy.' —Howard Aiken Moore's law processor complexity will double every year - revised in 1975: complexity will double every two years. —Gordon E. Moore No computer will be able to beat David Levy at chess in the next 10 years - David Levy]] Relational database—Edgar Codd 'In from three to eight years we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human being.' —Marvin Minksy 'There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.' —Ken Olson, Chairman DEC 'The Internet will suffer a catastrophic collapse sometime during 1996.' —Bob Metcalfe, Ethernet inventor Turing Test—Alan Turing (North American Computer Chess Championship) P versus NP problem Quantum Computer—Richard Feynmann (International Olympiad in Informatics) (TPC-C) (CADE ATP System Competition) (ICFP Programming Contest) (TopCoder) (Google Code Jam) (POPLmark Challenge) teletype electrostatic memory (transistor) random access memory magnetic drum registers magnetic core memory hard disk dot matrix printer integrated circuit spooling interrupts virtual memory paging mouse time-sharing fuzzy logic packet switching ARPANET RS-232 dynamic RAM floppy disk microprocessor (4004) game console (Magnavox Odyssey) ethernet TCP/IP single-board computer laser printer supercomputer compact disk VMEbus ISAbus WIMP(GUI) CGAvideo card Smartmodem MIDI RISCCPU portable PC Multi-touch technology math coprocessor PC harddisk DNS(Domain Name Server) IDEinterface Expanded Memory EGAvideo card CD ROM ATAinterface SCSIinterface Personal digital assistant massive parallel computing (Connection Machine) VGAvideo card sound cardfor PC (AD-LIB) optical chip EISAbus SVGAvideo card, VESAdriver PCMCIA CD-I PCIbus Smartphone DNA computing Beowulfcluster Firewire USB DVD-ROM AGP ADSL Blade servers Serial ATA PCI Express Onion routing (Tor) Cryptocurrency Model I Relay Calculator Atanasoff–Berry Computer Z3 Harvard Mark I Relay Interpolator Colossus ENIAC IBM SSEC Manchester SSEM Manchester Mark 1 Ferranti Mark 1 first commercial computer LEO I- first business computer UNIVAC I Whirlwind UNIVAC 1101 IBM 701 Strela IBM 650 IBM 704 Harwell CADET IBM 305 RAMAC IBM 608 UNIVAC II AN/FSQ-7- largest computers ever built IBM 1401 DEC PDP-1 CDC 1604 IBM 7030 Stretch ATLAS ReserVec DEC PDP-6 IBM 360 DEC PDP-8 CDC 6600 1st supercomputer BESM-6 DEC PDP-10 Datapoint 2200 DEC PDP-11 electronic calculator TI (4004) scientific calculator HP (8008) 1st 32-bit supermini (8080) (MC 6800) Altair 8800 1st personal computer (Z80) (6502) Cray-1 Apple I DEC VAX-11 Apple II TRS-80 (8086) PET (MC68000) VIC-20 ZX80 Apple III [[8010 Star|8010 Star]] ZX81 IBM PC BBC Micro C64 (80286) Compaq Portable [[ZX Spectrum| ZX Spectrum]] Apple IIe Lisa IBM XT IBM PC jr Macintosh LaserJet printer IBM AT (MIPS R2000) Atari ST Commodore Amiga Amstrad 1512 (ARM2) Acorn Archimedes Connection Machine IBM PS/2 (80486) (66MHz Pentium) iMac PowerMac (1GHz Pentium) (POWER4) (dual core) (Itanium) (PowerPC G5) (Athlon 64) (Cell) iPad Kindle Fire GM Research OS for the IBM 701 GM-NAA I/O UMES SHARE IBSYS CTSS Burroughs MCP GECOS DTSS TOPS-10 OS/360 Multics ITS MTS CP/CMS WAITS ACP TENEX/TOPS-20 Unix RT-11 RSTS-11 VM/CMS MVS CP/M Apple DOS 3.1 VMS OS-9 MS-DOS SunOS Lisa OS UNIX System V Macintosh OS GNU project AmigaOS Atari TOS Windows 1.0 Mach AIX GS-OS HP-UX IRIX Minix OS/2 Windows 2.0 RISC OS OS/400 POSIXStandard NeXTSTEP SCO Unix BeOS OSF/1 Linuxkernel Solaris Windows 3.1 OS/2 2.0 SLS Linux UnixWare Windows NT 3.1 Slackware Linux Debian GNU/Linux Red Hat Linux OpenBSD OS/390 Windows 95 MkLinux SUSE Linux Mac OS 7.6 Symbian Windows 98 BlackBerry OS Mac OS 8 Mac OS 9 Windows Me Windows 2000 Mac OS X Windows XP z/OS Gentoo Linux Windows Server 2003 Ubuntu iOS Windows Vista Android Windows 7 [[Chrome OS]] Plankalkül (Plan Calculus) A-0 Mark I FORTRAN I ALGOL 58 LISP MAD COBOL APL Simula SNOBOL BASIC FORTRAN 66 BCPL ALGOL 68 Logo PL/I B Pascal Forth Smalltalk C Prolog ML Scheme FORTRAN 77 IDL VISICALC Modula-2 SQL AWK REXX DBASE-II Ada C++ Turbo Pascal Common Lisp PARADOX PostScript Caml Eiffel Objective-C HyperTalk SQL Perl Erlang Tcl Mathematica Haskell Python Visual Basic AppleScript Delphi JavaScript Java Ruby OCaml PHP XSLT D C# ActionScript Scala F# Clojure CoffeeScript electronic music compiler compiler timesharing(CTSS) flight booking computer game bulletin board email(CTSS) super computing interactive computing (mouse, windows, hypertext, full screen word processing) networking flight data processor Non-linear video editing arcade video game spreadsheet electronic stock market Usenet WYSIWYGword processing World Wide Web Web search engine wikis blog wireless networking 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 2000 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 2000 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 2000 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 2000 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 2000 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

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